Posts tagged "graphic design"
Materiologies: Electronics-based graphics

Materiologies: Electronics-based graphics

/1  Hot Natured new album, Different Sides of the sun. /2  Tech-mandalas made from circuits by Leonardo Ulian. /3  Real printed circuitry modules as seen at Printed Electronics fair Europe.   KEY WORDS: Electronics as a graphic language. Retro futurism, diode-art. Connectivity. 2-dimensional printed electronics.
Event: Rock, Paper, Pixel (BCN): New editorial ways

Event: Rock, Paper, Pixel (BCN): New editorial ways

Coverage report on the recent event on new editorial ways around design: THE EVENT  /  THE EXPERIENCE AND MESSAGES / THE CONCLUSIONS. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THE EVENT: Rock Paper Pixel event, ‘communication on design’, July 4th, during FADFEST 2013 Barcelona. At DHUB center. It was organised by FAD (Fostering Arts & Design), Antonio Covelo (curator), and Adián Rodríguez...