/1  HEADsPACE, by Marije Vogelzang. Cutlery with ‘Flagrance’: Flavors+fragrances.

/2  TABLEWARE AS SENSORIAL STIMULI, by Jinhyun Jeon Studio. Cutlery design focusing on sense.

/3  THE LEAVEN RANGE, by Simon Kinneir. Tactile reassurance of the right piece of cutlery the right way up.

/4  HEINZ BEANZ FLAVOUR EXPERIENCE, by Bompas & Parr. Handmade bowl and a musical spoon to match a new flavour of Heinz beans.

/5  uNspoon, by Raluca Grada. Cutlery experiment to eat soft deserts and liquid meals.

/6  SMART SPOON, by VTT. Measures weight and temperature through the combination of printed electronics and film over mold.



  • Multi-sensory experience design.
  • Enhanced senses (hearing, taste, smell).
  • Sensory feedback.
  • Sensorized parts for reassurance of tasks and for control & security of food ingestion.