Posts tagged "current issues"
Trends Research: Game Frame

Trends Research: Game Frame

/1 Free universal construction kit, by F.A.T. Lab and Sy-Lab, a set of adapters for complete interoperability between 10 popular children’s construction toys / 2 Sifteo cubes, interactive game system. / 3 Abooba climbing chair, by Jaewook Kim.   KEY MESSAGES: game flow open systems interactivity & invention construction kits interactive & intelligent game systems hybrid...
Documentary: Design & Thinking (by Mu-Ming Tsai)

Documentary: Design & Thinking (by Mu-Ming Tsai)

>>>>> TRAILER: Design Thinking shouldn’t be fashionable The other day I went to watch the Documentary ‘Design + Thinking’ by Mu-Ming Tsai, during Barcelona’s ‘festival of all design’, FADFEST 2013. It is obviously centered on what now seems to be a recurrent conversation between designers and strategists: The Design Thinking Phenomenon. I enjoyed the film, a sort...
colour & materials: steampunk

colour & materials: steampunk

nostalgy for mechanic and steam-powered systems mechanical artifacts and cogs machinery hypertextured leather-like materials polished brass, iron and wood /1 Givenchy Spring Couture Collection 2012 /2 Linotype machine. own picture. CCCB Barcelona /3 Steampunk USB