We have had an idea for a book and we have developed a proposal. We are looking for editor. Feel free to contact us if you are interested.



materiologies:   inspiration, culture and innovation

This book is about creating universes and stories about colours & materials, with an edge look on the history, culture, fabrication and innovation in these worlds.

While colour theory books offer an in-depth study of the colour phenomenon, they do not necessarily relate it directly to materials used. On the other hand, most materials books function more as a catalogue of products than as inspiring manuals.

With this book we want to fill this gap. It is not only a trendbook, it is a long lasting source for creative professionals and alike.

Arranged in 10 stories, each one will be filled with meaningful content and knowledge-facilitating texts, and the experience will be highly visual, through images and ilustrations.
colour palette and harmonies, material selection, look and feel of a product, what history can teach us, which innovations are we facing in terms of materials and processes, sensorial properties of materials,  colour+material+form, macrotrends & colour+materials, materials culture.